Investor Relations

General Information

All our employees realize that a company that strives for effectiveness and good reputation must build its investor relations upon the best corporate governance standards and practices. That is why we put all our efforts into implementing all the recognized principles of corporate governance in our company. At present ARMBROK is the only investment company in Armenia that has the status of an open joint stock company with over 30 shareholders from 11 countries.

On the 8th of August, 2011, the Central Bank of Armenia registered the amendment to ARMBROK charter reflecting a reduction of the company's charter capital. Prior to that, on the 17th of May, 2011, the extraordinary meeting of ARMBROK's shareholders approved the respective resolution.

As of 1st of January, 2013, the charter capital of the company was AMD 267,150,000 comprising 267,150 common nominal stocks with face value of AMD 1,000 each.

This page was last updated 18.01.2022 20:03
Annual Reports
This page was last updated 05.06.2013 13:48
Internal Regulations

Other internal regulations of ARMBROK in Armenian are available for download from the Armenian version of this section.

To obtain the English versions of the regulations please call +37411 590000 or visit our offices at 39 Hanrapetutyan St., Yerevan, Armenia. We are open on business days from 9:30 to 18:30.

This page was last updated 18.06.2024 15:13
Shareholders' Meetings

This section is reserved for announcements on general meetings of ARMBROK shareholders.

There are no general meetings planned for the coming few weeks.



This page was last updated 18.01.2022 19:54
Dividend Policy

The Company may decide on and announce about paying quarterly, semi-annual or annual dividends for the shares allocated to its shareholders. Dividends may be paid either in cash or in kind.

Dividends are paid from the company’s retained profits.

More details on Dividend policy can be obtained from ARMBROK’s Charter.


This page was last updated 18.01.2022 20:05
Share Information

ARMBROK's authorized capital comprises 267,150 fully paid common nominal stocks.

ARMBROK Share Information as of 31.12.2021
Total number of shares 267,150
Free float, % 15.46%
Face value per share, AMD 1,000
Number of shareholders 26

Residency of ARMENBROK shareholders

According to the Civil Code of RA, the Law of RA on Joint Stock Companies (hereinafter - the Law) and the Charter of ARMBROK (hereafter - the Charter), all the shareholders have the equal right to:

  • take part in the General Meeting of the Shareholders with the right of vote on any issue of its discretion;
  • suggest no more than 2 issues for agenda of the General Meeting during 60 days after the end of fiscal year, as well as suggest candidates for internal audit and Directors Board, if he owns no less than 2 percent of shares that have voting rights;
  • participate in the management of the company;
  • receive dividends from the profit earned by the company;
  • have preemption in acquiring the shares placed by the company in the cases provided by the Law and these Articles;
  • be fully informed about the activity of the company bookkeeping and accounting or other industrial and economic accountancy of the company included, provided always for confidential documents;
  • any shareholder(s) of the company holding in aggregate at least 5% of the company’s shares shall be reserved the right to demand an audit for examining the accountancy and confidential documents of the company. Such shareholders shall bear the costs connected with the examination; 
  • appoint a proxy for representing him at the General Meeting;
  • carry motions to the consideration of the General Meeting of the members;
  • vote at the General Meeting by the total number of fully paid shares entitled to vote;
  • suit in the court against the decisions of the General Meeting, if they contradict the Law and acts;
  • receive his share of property upon the settlements with the company’s creditors and dissolution of the company;
  • receive the according number of common shares free of charge if the authorized capital is being increased at the cost of the company’s own assets;
  • freely sell or otherwise transfer his shares to the third party;
  • exercise other rights provided above or by the Law.
This page was last updated 13.05.2024 15:56